Thursday, October 20, 2011

Extra Credit: Saturn

Planet Order: 6 from the Sun.
Distane from the Sun: 1,426.7million of km
Mass: 95.185 kg
Diameter: 120,536
Rotation: 10hours 14 minutes.
Revolution: 29.5years
#of Moons: 31
Saturn is Jovian

Planet Description

  • Second largest planet.
  • thick atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium.
  • has a complex ring system.
  • has at least 31 moons.
Interesting Facts
  • In Greek mythology, Saturn is the god of agriculture.
  • Saturn is the least dense planet.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Planet Order  from the Sun.
Distance from the Sun: 4,496 million of km
Mass: 17,151 kg
Diameter: 49,500 km
Rotation: 16 hrs
Revolution: 164.8 yrs
#of Moons: 13
Terrestrial or Jovian

Planet Description

  • large, gaseous planet with rings that vary in thickness.
  • methane atmosphere causes its bluish-green color.
  • has dark-color storm in atmosphere, it is similar to the Jupiter Red spot.
  • has at least 11 moon.
  • the windest planet.
2 Interesting Facts

  • It is sometimes farther from the Sun than Pluto is.
  • It is name after the Greek god Poseidon, but the Roman name.
My Comments: I would choose this planet for this project because I am a fan of Poseidon's son, Percy Jackson! ;)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hurricane Irene Project

Critical Thinking
1. What time of the year do hurricanes occur? Why do they only happen during that time?
I think hurricanes occur during summer the most, because during that time, ocean water are warm, hurricanes only deal with warm ocean water, water in other time will be too cold to form a storm surge for hurricane.
2. How can the timing of the tides(high or low) effect the devastation of a hurricane?
If the storm surge is coming during the high tide, it will lead to a more serious destruction to the area, because there will be more water comes up to the ground, way too saturated

3. If an area is fully saturated, will a hurricane have more or less impact on an area?
If an area is fully saturated, hurricane will have more impact on an area because the area is already have a big amount of water and if the hurricane come, its going to be more water on the area, it will create a big flood in the area.

4. How does groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams?
Groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams by passing more water to it. If there is overload of groundwater, the water will either flows to the rivers and streams, and it increase the level of water in them, or floating up to the ground and create a flooding to the area, or it will create a spring.

1. What is something that you liked about this Mini-Project?
This project help me know better about all this natural phenomenas, like why will this happen, what will happen after this occur and how will this affect our live. And the way we learn about this topic is different than before.

2. What was difficult for you on this project?
To know all the causes and effects for each topic was difficult for me at first. Because even you know what all those topics are, but somehow you just don’t really know what is going on after all and what effects will comes after.

3. What would you change about your work on this project?
I will check my grammar to make sure everything is right and make sense, to make it more formal to present.

4. How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
I was not in NY when the Hurricane Irene attacked, so this project help me know better about the hurricane like how they form, how will this happen, and all other topics that are connecting to hurricane like flooding is one of the effects of hurricane.