The period I was studying is Silurian, it is 443-417 million years ago, part of Paleozoic Era and Phanerozoic Eon. The silurian was the time on the earth witnessed the climate became more stable than before, ended the erratic change of climate. During silurian, the earth had considerable changes that had important reaction for the life and environment. One cause of this change was the melting of the large glacial formations, this led to the vast rise of the sea level. Coral reefs first appeared in silurian, it is also the time of evolution of fish.
1. What did you enjoy most about the this project?
This project is great that how Ms. Kara let us choose to work alone or with someone else. I chose to work independently, and I enjoyed how I can work alone, don't need to care about others' progress on the project. I can just move on to the next step right after I finish something. This way is more efficient.
2. What was most challenging about this project? Why?
The most challenging part about this project might be finding information, since there are different information everywhere, it is hard to decide which one to believe and which one to choose. Because you always want to learn the truth but not some other stuff that is not correct.
3. What you change about this project and why?
I will force everyone to work alone!!!! Simply everyone need to work independent. I think teacher should tell the students how important that skill is, but stop brainwashing them to collaborate. I know sometimes alone is weak but together will be stronger. But in the society like this, the strong alive, the weak died. You really need to realized no one can help you forever but yourself!!
4. what are 3 things that you learned from this project?
I learned about the sea level increase and melting of glacial ice is not only happening today, but like million years ago already. So, sometimes, all this geologic events are not occurring only because pollution.