Monday, April 9, 2012

Shake! Shake! Shake! The Earth's Fault!!!

  • Lithosphere Layer
Activities: 4 Miniposter(Faults, earth interior, plate tectonic, continental drift), Model of seismograph(Earthquake), BrainPop video(Volcano, tsunami)

There are three types of faults, which are the normal fault(down), reverse fault(down) and the strike-slip fault(slide pass), these are the result of earthquake, one tool for measuring the earthquake is the seismograph, earthquake can also happen under the ocean which will create tsunami. Tsunami is the harbor wave that brings huge damage. There are four earth layers which are the crust (continental and oceanic, solid), mantle (asthenosphere, molten rock), outer core(molten rock) and inner core(solid). The asthenosphere is where the convection current happens that moves the plates floating on the mantle, plates are divided into pieces because the plate tectonic theory. Because of the convection current, volcanoes created on earth that connects with the mantle. Before scientist discover all these theories and facts, our world was in one big continent called Pangea but divided into seven continents today because of the continental drift which is still a hypothesis from the scientists. 

  • Asthenosphere

Activities: Foldables & Mini-quiz(Plate boundaries, earth interior), Demonstration lab(convection current) 
There are three types of plate boundaries, divergent boundary is when two plates move away from each other that causes sea-floor spreading(oceanic-oceanic), mid-ocean ridge(oceanic-oceanic) and rift valleys(continental-continental); convergent boundary is when two plates come together that causes subduction zone( oceanic-continental), deep-sea trench(oceanic-oceanic) and mountain building (continental-continental); transform boundary is when two plates slide pass each other that causes earthquake and tsunami. Convection current is the heat is recycling in the mantle that moves the plates floating on the mantle, when the heat gets closer to the crust, the temperature  decrease so the heat goes back down, but it gets hotter when it reach the bottom so it sinks up again. Convection currents create hot-spot and volcanoes.

  • Mantle

Activities: PowerPoint(photographic evidence of plate movements), exploration labs(density lab and ring of fire lab)
After research for the PPT, I knew more about different real world examples of each eart movement. One example would be the Himalaya Mountain is the result of convergent boundary. For the exploration lab of the Ring of Fire, I know that the ring of fire is a chain of volcanoes located surroud the pacific plate that form a shape like a ring. I learned that granite is the kind of rock made of continental crust, and oceanic crust is basalt, granite has larger crystals than basalt.

Critical Thinking Question
Do you agree with the theory of plate tectonics? Why or why not?
I agree with the theory of plate tectonics that the plates are divided into pieces and still changing every year. Scientists measure it every year and found out our plate actually move a few centimeters, that proved. And all the earthquakes and tsunami happend in these years also prove the movement of the plates.


1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I love the activities that we did on this project, it is different than other classes, more than just writing writing and writing, it required more skills than just writing. 

2. What was most challenging for ou during this project and why?
Not much challenges, just sometimes even Ms. Kara tried to cover the grade while I was testing, but I still saw my score, and it was not prefect that made me pretty sad. Another challenge for most of our student would be time management, since we all began our internship, we obviously have less time to work on our project at school, and that required your discipline to make yourself to do your work at home after internship.

3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
Again, I didn't learn many new skills, but new knowledges about our world. I think my time management skills was enhanced, and I think that is really impressive since I needed to do more activities than others, although I enjoyed the extra work actually.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
Better preparation for the test, I thought I knew the answer, but sometime Ms. Kara asked unfamiliar questions that made me thought how can I not know that? Or actually everyone else all know the answer but just the stupid Yishan don't know?