Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Planet Order  from the Sun.
Distance from the Sun: 4,496 million of km
Mass: 17,151 kg
Diameter: 49,500 km
Rotation: 16 hrs
Revolution: 164.8 yrs
#of Moons: 13
Terrestrial or Jovian

Planet Description

  • large, gaseous planet with rings that vary in thickness.
  • methane atmosphere causes its bluish-green color.
  • has dark-color storm in atmosphere, it is similar to the Jupiter Red spot.
  • has at least 11 moon.
  • the windest planet.
2 Interesting Facts

  • It is sometimes farther from the Sun than Pluto is.
  • It is name after the Greek god Poseidon, but the Roman name.
My Comments: I would choose this planet for this project because I am a fan of Poseidon's son, Percy Jackson! ;)

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